Group of students on awards evening 2023

Year 7 Information September 2024

We are really excited about welcoming your children to Great Baddow High School to begin the second stage of their learning journey.

This page will be updated regularly as a useful source of information to compliment any that is sent to your home or communicated via primary schools.

Initially we would like to draw your attention to the 'Information for Parents' booklet which provides important information that you should be aware of before your child joins us in September 2024.

Induction Days

Our induction days took place on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th of June and we were delighted to meet our new Year 7 students during the day, and their parents at the information evening. 

This was an opportunity for our new students to get to know us, for us to get to know them and for them to begin to build relationships with other children in their tutor group. 

Summer Camps

Summer Camp Flyer 2024 FINALWe are excited to be able to offer new Year 7 students the opportunity to attend our Summer Camps to aid their transition to GBHS in September.

The cost is £15 per child, per day and runs from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.


Thursday 15th August.


Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd August.

Payment is to be made via Arbor by 4.00 p.m. on Friday 12th July 2024.




Arbor Parent Portal

Arbor is a simple, smart and cloud-based Management Information System, which we have introduced at Great Baddow High School to help us work faster, smarter and more collaboratively with our parents.

You can log into Arbor to see and update your child’s information, get live updates and make payments or bookings on the go!

There is an 'Arbor App' you can download on your phone and a 'Parent Portal' you can access on the internet, through which we can keep you informed about your child’s life at school in a much more accessible way.

Find out more about the Arbor Parent Portal here.

School Uniform

It is our aim that students should develop a sense of pride in their work, behaviour and dress. Therefore, a high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students.

Find out more about our school uniform requirements here.

An option to buy 'Pre-Loved' uniform is available. Further details can be found here.

Our House System

At Great Baddow High School each tutor group is attached to one of three houses. The houses are represented by three inspirational individuals who have outstanding life achievements and have given back to society; 

The house each student is allocated to is represented by the letter in their tutor group:

A = Attenborough

H = Hawking

E = Ennis Hill

View more information about our House System here.

One to One Music Lessons

At Great Baddow High School, we are pleased to offer students the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments through our team of peripatetic music teachers.

Our teachers are provided through Essex Music Education Hub or are freelance professionals we have personally appointed. The lessons take place within the school day and are taught in the music department using our facilities. Students receive weekly lessons during each school term in blocks of ten lessons. Lesson times are rotated to avoid students missing the same lesson and assessments. Students can find their lesson times one week before their scheduled lesson on the dedicated noticeboard in the music department. We also put reminders on the school registers to support students with remembering to attend their one-to-one lessons.

View more information on  One to One Music Lessons here.

Summer Reading Challenges

Reading is very important at Great Baddow High School. Our Summer Reading Challenges include reading story books and reading to find out information. You can do one or all of the challenges.

Email your completed challenges to (make sure you include your name and tutor group) or bring into the library when you come in September.

Credits awarded for each completed challenge.

Good luck!

The challenges:

  1. Find out about your favourite author and create an author fact file. The fact file can be a poster or a report.
  2. Create a new book cover.
  3. Read one of the suggested books and write a book review.
  4. Where is the most unusual place you have read over the summer? Email us a photograph, a postcard or a drawing. Please include a description.
  5. Try to read as many different types of books over the summer and complete our book bingo.
  6. Answer the questions in the Fun Fact File.
  7. Design an insect and write a story about it.
  8. Read - There are some Suggested Summer Reads to try if you need some ideas.

To find out more about our school library here.

Free School Meals

If you are currently receiving Free School Meals, please be aware that you will need to reapply before your child starts at Great Baddow High School. It will not automatically transfer from your primary school. View information here.

Public Transport to School

Did you also know that if you are eligible for Free School Meals you may also be entitled to public transport to school? 

Transport assistance can be provided if your child is attending one of the nearest three secondary schools providing they are between two and six miles from your home address by the shortest available route.

Apply on line by visiting .

School Bus

If you are interested in applying for a seat on one of the school contract buses, please contact Stephensons of Essex -  view the information on our website here.

Contact Information

Should you have any questions regarding transition please do not hesitate to contact us via email through the main school office

Additional Information and Downloads