Two sixth form students in science 2023


Expectations in the Sixth Form

Getting involved and taking opportunities is one of the greatest fundamentals of being successful within our school. 

Our expectations for academic excellence occur right from gaining GCSE results. Students are sent transition into Sixth Form work that they are expected to complete prior to starting with us. This gives us a good indication of who is prepared to work. 


High attendance is essential if students are going to fulfil their potential. We closely monitor students and will speak to students very early on if we have any concerns. Our school day is 8.40 a.m. until 3.15 p.m. and students are expected to be on site for the duration of the day. Students are allowed to sign out at lunchtime if they want but have to be back in school for the afternoon lessons. 

Security and safety 

We value the safety of all our students and therefore students are expected to wear lanyards with photographic ID at all times. This allows all staff and students to know that they are Sixth Form students and a part of our community. 

Dress code

Students are expected to be proud of their appearance and ensure that they remain a role model to students lower down in the school. This means that attire should be modest and reflect our smart non uniform policy.

Uniform Additional notes

Students can wear smart trousers or smart jeans.

Jeans are not allowed to be ripped or have frays. Leggings and tracksuit bottoms are not permitted.
Students can wear dresses, skirts or smart tailored knee length shorts. Please ensure skirts and dresses are nearer knee length and that dresses are not body-con style tight fitting.

Students can wear smart shirts, blouses, polo shorts or jumpers.

Where a sporting style jumper is worn a polo shirt collar should be visible underneath it.

Casual round neck sports t-shirts, tight fitting vest tops and hoodies are not permitted.

Thin strapped tops should be worn with a cardigan.
Smart footwear and trainers can be worn. Open backed shoes, e.g., flipflops/sandals are not permitted.
Ear piercing is permitted.

Other facial piercings are not permitted.

Pupils are not allowed to display tattoos.

Please note that if you are not wearing appropriate attire, you may be sent home to change. We will try to avoid this but ensuring high standards are maintained is important to our sixth form.


As students have chosen to be at the Sixth Form and have chosen their options there is rarely any issue with behaviour. The Sixth Form adopts the same behaviour policy as in Year 7-11 and whole school detentions will be issued if it is deemed necessary. If there is additional issues with behaviour then there will be a formal meeting between the Head of Sixth Form, student and parent. 

School Contract 

When students join the Sixth Form they sign a contract that outlines the above expectations. Students and parents are expected to sign these. If students do not follow our expectations they will be asked to leave the Sixth Form. Fortunately this rarely happens.